How UK Companies Can Access Opportunities in Vaud, Switzerland




World-Class Research and Development in Vaud

The Swiss Canton of Vaud, on the shores of Lake Geneva, is internationally recognized for its exceptional concentration of research institutions and organizations dedicated to science and technology, which provide a fertile ground for innovation. Here is a brief overview of some of these institutions:

One of Europe’s most prestigious science and technology institutions, EPFL is known for its cutting-edge research and strong emphasis on technology transfer and collaboration with industry.

A life sciences campus that provides a dynamic community for biotech, pharmaceutical, and medtech companies, as well as research institutions, to collaborate and innovate in the field of life sciences.

This center is a collaboration between several institutions, including EPFL and the University Hospitals of Lausanne (CHUV), focused on advancing cancer research, treatment, and education.

As one of Switzerland’s leading hospitals CHUV has a strong reputation for medical research and provides a clinical setting for translating research into medical advances.

Switzerland’s largest technology park, offering an environment for high-tech companies in various sectors, including information and communication technology, cybersecurity, and industrial technologies, to grow and innovate.

How UK Companies Can Access Opportunities in Vaud

For UK tech scaleups looking to expand into the Vaud region and take advantage of its R&D ecosystem, here are some steps and strategies to consider:

1. Establish a Local Presence

Set Up a Subsidiary or Branch

UK companies may consider establishing a subsidiary or a branch office within the region to facilitate operations and collaborations.

Join Local Hubs

Entering local hubs like Biopôle or Y-PARC can provide immediate access to the ecosystem and its resources.

2. Collaborate with Research Institutions

Research Partnerships

Engage in research partnerships with institutions like EPFL or CHUV to tap into their knowledge and resources.

Technology Licensing

Explore opportunities to license technologies developed at these institutions.

3. Participate in Networking and Matchmaking Events

Industry Conferences and Workshops

Attend local industry events to network with potential partners, clients, and investors.

Innovation Challenges

Participate in innovation challenges and competitions often hosted by research institutions to showcase your solutions.

4. Seek Funding and Support

Apply for Grants

Investigate Swiss and international grants available for R&D and innovation projects.

Connect with Investors

Engage with local venture capitalists, business angels, and investment funds that specialize in technology and innovation.

5. Utilize Support Services


As the innovation promotion agency of the Canton of Vaud, Innovaud can provide support and guidance for UK companies looking to establish themselves in the region.

Swiss Business Hubs

Utilize the services offered by Swiss Business Hubs, which promote Switzerland as a business location and support companies in setting up and expanding their activities.

6. Regulatory Compliance and Market Understanding

Work with local advisors to understand the regulatory requirements and tax implications of operating in Switzerland.

Market Research

Conduct thorough market research to understand the local ecosystem, competition, and consumer behavior to tailor your offerings accordingly.


The Vaud region’s robust ecosystem provides a unique opportunity for UK tech scaleups to engage in world-class R&D and collaborate with leading institutions and companies. By establishing a local presence, actively seeking collaborations, and engaging with the support infrastructure, UK companies can not only enter this market but also strive to become leaders in their respective fields through innovation. The strategic use of the resources and networks available can help these companies to develop cutting-edge technologies and forge pathways to success in the global marketplace.

Check out some of the amazing companies in the Vaud region, all potential collaborators and sales opportunities.

Other Useful Resources


Ian Collins
Ian Collins
Ian Collins, with an extensive background spanning over 30 years in business development and general management, co-founded GTM Global in 2015. His experience encompasses hi-tech industries such as security, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, and enterprise software solutions. In his career, Ian has started several tech companies, overseen two corporate ventures, executed a management buy-in, and led two business turnarounds. He has also been involved in buying, selling, and merging various of his companies, and has achieved two successful business exits. Ian's expertise is particularly focused on business growth strategies and leading-edge proposition development.
