Sealing the Deal USA
Set-Up, Operations & Funding
Panel Event & 1-2-1 Networking Live in London
(Optional join by Zoom)
31st March 2022 12:00 GMT
GTM Global in association with DIT, US attorney Thorelli Associates, US accounting firm International Management Solutions & UK tax/funding specialist Buzzacott.
Thursday 31st March 2022
From 12:00 GMT
On Zoom and live at Buzzacott Offices, 130 Wood Street London EC2V 6DL. View map.
An interactive panel discussion 1200-1300, followed by one-to-one advisory sessions either live or virtually from 1300 -1800.
Sealing the Deal
Are you planning to seal some deals in the US this quarter? If so - don’t think about leaving home without a US attorney / accountant by your side!
Join us for a panel event and one-to-one networking that will highlight key considerations for expanding your set-up, operations and funding into the US and common pitfalls to avoid.
Our panel will include leading US attorney Thomas Thorelli, US tax consultant and CPA Sonia Kanjee, and Buzzacott’s UK tax and funding expert Andy Hodgetts.
Designed for owner-managed Digital and Technology scale-up businesses, this event will give you bespoke advice on how to successfully set up and fund your US operations - maximising opportunities and mitigating risk.
US Operational, Compliance & Funding Avice
Panellists & Event Advisers
Additional 1-2-1 advisers for the break-out sessions - Global Reach (Fx Management), Avalara (Sales Tax), ABGi (innovation Funding).
Meet the Panellists
Mark Stimpfig
Co-founder GTM Global, Development Director London for GPECProviding advice & guidance for tech and digital scale up brands to expand internationally & support companies looking to land & expand into the Greater Phoenix region USA
Thomas Thorelli
Attorney & Founding Partner, Thorelli & AssociatesTom is a Founding Partner of Thorelli & Associates, who specialise in assisting small and medium-sized foreign companies in minimizing their legal risks when doing business in the U.S. through taking advance preventive action.
Sonia Kanjee
Director, International Management Solutions, LondonSonia is a CPA with ten years of experience in US taxation, specializing in cross border transactions for European corporations with US inbound investments and operations.
Andy Hogetts
Director Corporate Finance at Buzzacott, LondonAndy works with high growth businesses helping them better position themselves to raise funds, make acquisitions, and plan to work towards an exit.

About GTM Global
GTM Global connects UK scale-up brands in digital and tech to a designated panel of experts from government, trade bodies and commercial partners to provide on-going advice and guidance on go-to-market strategy and international expansion planning.